Starbucks’ festive reusable cups shine bright

by PRESTIGE PREMIUMS - 16th December 2019

Adding to their usual holiday tumblers and cups, Starbucks new reusable six-pack 16-ounce hot cups and 24 ounce cold cups  is definitely something to look forward to this Christmas season. 

This collection is an add on to their annual line of holiday sips but
the set of eye catching colors and phrases plastered on the cups sets it apart from the rest of the reusable merchandise collections. Colors ranging from classic holiday shades such as red, emerald green, aqua and orange for the cold cups while the hot cups come in different hues of the rainbow. With tongue-in cheek phrases like “Magical cool” (for the cold cups) and “Merry Coffee” (for the hot cups) plastered on the cups, this selection will brighten up it’s consumer’s sips this festive season.

You can  never go wrong with mixing up the colors and design of your promotional drink ware. Even if it is a common promotional item in the market, consumers are usually swayed by eye catching designs and color shades. Start mixing up the colors of your promotional product to stand out in the market!

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